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Wow! It’s been a long fucking time since we’ve seen Amber Campisi but she is back today on Pinupfiles. Not only is she back but she is looking curvier than ever, and getting fully naked.
Amber Campisi puts on her little red dress to seduce us, and it’s working because now I want to rip it off with my teeth. It seems she does a pretty good job of doing a nice slow but to the point strip tease. Beautiful body on this girl.
For some reason I love seeing behind the scene pictures probably because girls are a bit more nature. Today Amber Campisi gets some candid pictures taken while she gets her hair done and sits around naked because that’s exactly what big boobed girls do.
Amber Campisi represents the color red quite well, with boobs like that I think more girls should wear skimpy red outfits. Actually, when I think about it.. more girls should wear nothing and just let their boobs and everything hang out!
When someone mentioned the name Amber Campisi, I knew it rang a bell because she was in Playboy. Well today I found some sets of her posing for Pinup Glam also, and I really like the way she looks here in this purple corset.. very sexy.