
Big boobs pics and videos of Costume and costume girls - only found in the highest quality on Prime Curves. The best big boobs blog updated daily.

Viola Bailey French Maid

Funny how I talked about maids last week, and look who shows up as that horny french maid – Viola Bailey! We’ve seen her in quite a few outfits but I think watching Viola stick a feather duster between those big boobs just gave me another reason to love french maids.

Leia Down Red Rocks Nude

For those who like their boobs with costumes, I continue to recommend Leia Down. This girl is legitamately interested in science fiction pop culture, and LOVES to dress up in super hero costumes. Today Leia goes for a more nude approach to cosplay but I am really digging the mask and pink hair.

Nevaeh Nectar Cosplay

I’ve had people ask me if Nevaeh from Bare Maidens is still around, and yes she is. Infact Nevaeh still enjoys dressing up as the middle ages wanderer looking for some sweet nectar to bring home. It just so happens on the way to the garden, she ends up completely naked and one with nature.

Stacey M The Friendly Maid

I love when busty girls play dress up with a huge smile on their face and I can tell Stacey M really enjoys playing the maid today. She may not exactly be the best cleaning lady but she certainly knows how to make pants tight.

Leia Down Pink Wig Cosplay

I gotta admit, I have a huge crush on Leia Down. She is cute, curvy and loves to dress up in amazing costumes. A girl who can pull off cosplay this well is fucking amazing in my book, and I have a feeling this trend will only grow in popularity. So ladies, feel free to participate in some Cosplay, especially if it ends up in a birthday suit.

Betzu Horned and Horny

Cosplay can be weird and sexy at the same time, which proves that boobs make everything better. Betzu (aka Charlie) plays this horned lady wearing a chain outfit which leads me to believe that girls really do love dressing up. Plus, this isn’t the weirdest head piece we’ve seen someone wear. :P

Leia Down Cosplay Boobs

As a lover of all curves, I often tend to even seek out the fringe culture including cosplay. One of the best rising stars in the cosplay world is Leia Down who is packing a punch not only with her costumes, but with her rather large chest too.

Evie Delatosso Latex Queen

Having a little kink in our lives in a good thing, and Evie Delatosso is the latex queen who will dominate us today. Hey, I like to be in control as much as the next guy, but I also love seeing a curvy latex clad lady, preferably with a whip.

Melissa Debling Tennis Time

Nice weather means more girls playing tennis, and Melissa Debling wanted to play a few rounds today. Notice how I used the word “wanted”? It’s because Melissa cannot keep her hands off herself and ends up naked before she even hits the court!

Jodie Gasson After School Special

It turns out that posting Jodie Gasson nude in the shower will cause a huge uproar of “MORE MORE MORE”. So I got one for you cosplay fans out there, Jodie Gasson dressed up as the schoolgirl who gets messy in the kitchen. Oh yea, this isn’t the first time Jodie got messy in the kitchen. ;)

Alison Tyler Busty Teacher

I know exactly what you guys need, a busty teacher named Alison Tyler. She is definitely growing on me lately, and I’m glad she is the type of chick who loves to dress up. Her latest foray into nude teaching brings up a point I just realized, give a girl a desk, and they will give you a striptease lesson.

Ashe Huge Cosplay Ass

The first thing I noticed today was a round bubble batt swallowing a tiny blue thong, and I realized this is a cosplay gallery! Recently the whole cosplay thing has been gaining popularity, and now we get a look at a new stunner in costume: Ashe from Cosplay Mate. While her boobs may be cute and perky, her ass is seriously one of the roundest I’ve posted.

Cirmy Chun Li Cosplay Boobs

I gotta admit, I grew up playing video games so Cirmy has won my heart with her Chun Li costume. This isn’t the first time I’ve swooned over a busty cutie in uniform however there’s one thing to note about Cirmy, she started out as an amateur model and made her way into cosplay. I am starting to really like costumes!