I stumbled across this older gallery of Taylor Kennedy in a tank top and it brought back all kinds of emotions. Do you remember when Pinupfiles got started? A little history lesson but it was a pinup site, then they featured rare nudes of Erica Campbell, Sha Rizel and Rockell Starbux. History is pretty cool.
Taylor Kennedy is home for the holidays and her present to us is her big titties! I couldn’t have ask for a better present, well except for Taylor under my tree naked and ready, but we gotta take baby steps here ;)
How about some pics of Taylor Kennedy before she got that tattoo on her arm? This is probably one of her hottest sets, just the whole setting and her nudity is amazing. I want to just sleep on those boobs and wake up to her in the morning lol.
Taylor Kennedy comes back from retirement to shoot more pictures and I do a happy dance! She also returns with an interesting tattoo but at this point I am going straight for those legendary boobs. It’s good to have Taylor back shaking her money makers in our faces!
You can say Taylor Kennedy is classy and naughty at the same time. I’d much rather go for naughty though, especially with her body. Talk about curves, Taylor has got one amazing ass and a pair of boobs that might make me pass out if they were in my face.
Curvy legend Taylor Kennedy shows us just what a great body she has. She’s a big girl with some nice big boobs and a nice big ass.. oh yea she’s in the shower. Can you really get any better than that?