Wynona Gibbs

Big boobs pics and videos from Wynona Gibbs- only found in the highest quality on Prime Curves. The best big boobs blog updated daily.

Wynona Gibbs Bad Girls Zishy Video

Bad girls have fun and Wynona Gibbs wants you to experience it. I know since you saw her full frontal set on Zishy you want more so naturally this video has all the candid naked bouncing you could dream of.

Wynona Gibbs Nacho Lips Zishy

Wynona Gibbs is back by popular demand, with nacho lips! Yummy, right? I know Zishy sets the mood as Wynona takes a nice long shower but the main theme is spending time in her bedroom as she just lays there naked and it’s amazing.

Wynona Gibbs Mall Rat Zishy

Wynona Gibbs likes to shop, so she’s a mall rat. This was obviously taken a few months ago, and Zishy managed to capture this exotic beauty as she changes into a sexy red dress. Notice how she’s having trouble keeping her boobs in place?